BBC Radio 4: The Medium is the Message
Douglas Coupland explores the ideas of 60s media seer Marshall McLuhan, in a new world of the ‘global village’. From 2018.
The Whale Without Jonah
Surrounded by constant connection, why do we feel so lonely? Amidst beguiling individualism, we seem to be losing our individual and collective stories. What does it mean to ‘belong’ when the opposite of an individual is no longer the crowd?
Slogans for the class of 2030
June 30, 2021
Together, they tuned a language model on all of Douglas’ written work (>1M words) along with social media posts on topics selected by Douglas, and worked with it to create Slogans for the Class of 2030.
IN FOCUS: Statements
June 25, 2020
On 25 June, Copenhagen Contemporary opens its doors to the exhibition In Focus: Statements, directly addressing the current global crisis. Copenhagen Contemporary is activated by international world stars indoors and outdoors in the group show In Focus: Statements. Works of art with political texts and messages go beyond the physical framework of CC, sending visitors on a […]
Sleep Mode
June 23, 2020
Sleep Mode is a week-long reflection on the theme of ‘always-on’ culture and the ‘new normal’ we can create in a post-lockdown world.Picking up where our recent 24/7 exhibition left off, and also curated by Sarah Cook, Sleep Mode features new and existing works, interrogating the idea of living in ‘sleep mode’ – a life where you never fully switch […]
Welcome to the Age of YOU · Shumon Basar, Douglas Coupland, Hans Ulrich Obrist,
September 5, 2019
Museum of Contemporary Art
158 Sterling Rd
Toronto, ON,
M6R 2B2
Flowers are Documents
June 22, 2019
Flowers are Documents — Arrangement I and II gathers and juxtaposes the positions of various artists whose ongoing interest in the subject of flower arrangement opens out into investigations of several parallel fields of research. Drawing on this traditional ‘theme’ in painting and responding to the landscape of the South Tyrol with its rooted and […]
Four Words: Academia
December 13, 2019
The FOUR WORDS: ACADEMIA project has been developed for the new digtial screen within Leeds Beckett University’s Portland Building entrance, bringing together visual art students, artists and writers in composing 15-second statements to be read within an academic context. Between every six or seven animations, we again insert a series of fake adverts. FOUR WORDS: […]