BBC Radio 4: The Medium is the Message

Douglas Coupland explores the ideas of 60s media seer Marshall McLuhan, in a new world of the ‘global village’. From 2018.

Douglas Coupland on Generation X at 30: ‘Generational trashing is eternal’

Three decades after his debut novel made him the unwilling voice of a generation, the author wonders whether – after Y, Z and now C, for Covid – individuality will become obsolete

Toronto, a city full of public art exhibitions

Douglas Coupland highlights the best free art, from Nuit Blanche to large-scale installations, in Canada’s most populous city.

Why I filled a 50,000-litre aquarium with plastic debris

When Douglas Coupland saw debris from the Japanese earthquake washing up in Canada, he became fascinated by the centrality of plastic in our lives – and began to pick it up

I no longer remember my pre-internet brain

Six years ago, I hosted an evening YouTube event at a Vancouver nightclub. My idea was for the audience and I to view a huge screen linked to my laptop and, collectively, plummet into the internet rabbit hole, with participants calling out unexpected links and destinations along the way, and it was a lot of […]

TORSO and Douglas Coupland’s Social X-Ray of Post-Millennial Behavior

In a fake news anthropological study for SSENSE, TORSO charts the suburbs of Ohio, home to both Abercrombie & Fitch and America’s most swing electorate. With a libretto by Douglas Coupland, Generation X author, the story explores the futuristic, post-millennial potential of the space outside of cities. To be in a purple state is to […]

Douglas Coupland on the celebrities in your brain

On top of all the words stored in your brain, you also have 4,000 celebrities. That’s a big chunk of neural real estate

Douglas Coupland’s rehab notepad

If you want to know what the superpower of invisibility feels like, try being a 55-year-old guy in rehab

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